Rainbow Covers #9 - Black


 It's time for a new batch of aesthetically pleasing arrangements of covers, but this time, in black 🖤 Just like last time, all the covers are linked to the GR pages of books ✨

You can check out my previous post in this category: 

 ❤️ Red

🧡 Orange

💛 Yellow

💚 Green

💙 Blue

💜 Purple

💗  Pink

🤍 White

And since this is the last color I can use, I'll start from the beginning of the list and make a part 2 for each color 😄


We've got 2 sci-fi novels and 2 fantasy. We all know what THG and Six of Crows are about, so I'm just gonna say a few words about the other two. Heartless is a wonderful retelling about the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland which really takes a different turn 😅 The Loneliest Girl in the Universe is a sci-fi thriller set on a spaceship that will keep you guessing. Absolutely loved all of these ♥

💬 Have you read any of these novels? 💬

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  1. Of These I have only read Six of Crows and Heartless and they are SO good! I only just read Six of Crows earlier this year and I'm surprised I liked it as much as I did. Lol.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed both! Since I know you like spooky mystery reads, I think you'd really enjoy The Loneliest Girl In the Universe! It's on the slower side, but definitely has some intense moments 😂

