It's time for a new batch of aesthetically pleasing arrangement of covers, but this time, in green 💚 Just like last time, all the covers are linked to the GR pages of books and these lists will include sequels as well, because they deserve recognition too and because it's not easy to come up with so many books without including them 😂
You can check out my previous post in this category:
❤️ Red
🧡 Orange
💛 Yellow
Look, we all know J.L.Barnes is a genius, so there's no need to give some sort of special introduction to her books. Although, I will say that The Fixer often gets overlooked because it's not as flashy as The Inheritance Games. Even If I Fall is pure emotion. I can't even explain this book properly, it just deals with so much. Top Ten Clues on the other hand is as fluffy as it gets.
Have you read any of these? 💚 Do you have any good green recs? ðŸ’