Rainbow Recs #3 - Yellow


It's time for a new batch of aesthetically pleasing arrangement of covers, but this time, in yellow 💛 Just like last time, all the covers are linked to the GR pages of books and these lists will include sequels as well, because they deserve recognition too and because it's not easy to come up with so many books without including them 😂 

You can check out my previous post in this category:

 ❤️ Red

🧡 Orange


I know everyone is talking about The Inheritance Games by J.L.Barnes, but her Debutantes duology is amazing as well 😍 100 Days of Sunlight is a wonderful story about a girl who looses her sight, and a boy helping her cope with her newfound emotions. Then there's an interesting dystopian novel The Rule of One and a super fluffy (also a bit cliche but in a good way) romance This Is What Happy Looks Like.

Have you read any of these? Do you have any good yellow recs? 💛💭


  1. Oooh I love the idea of recommending books based on cover color! That's so fun! It's been a minute since I read anything by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, but I have a friend who is absolutely obsessed with The Inheritance Games and has been trying to get me to read it (but I'm a mood reader and it hasn't happened yet 🤷‍♀️ lol). I definitely need to get back into her books though!

    1. It is so much fun! And it looks aesthetically pleasing 😂 yess J.L.Barnes is my second favorite author after Suzanne Collins. She just knows how to write realistic characters and plot lines that don't sound like we've heard them a million times before. Not to mention, her books are always so much fun :D

