Reading Challenges 2024 Pt. 2


Guyss I've been gone for a week visiting my grandma so I'm slightly behind on all the new blog posts/comments. If I haven't replied to you yet, please bear with me 😂

In the first part of this post, I talked about the Keyword challenge and this time I'll be talking about the A to Z Challenge. I'm not sure where it's originally from (I've been doing this one for years) so I'll post a link to the one active now and that's the Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge.

Basically, you pick either titles, author names or something else and go through the alphabet. I've had to get creative for some of the trickier letters 😂 

Here are some free templates to use:

And here are my picks: 

Will you be participating in this challenge? Which books did you pick? 

