Top Ten Tuesday - Summer TBRs ☀️

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Here is the topic of the week:

☀️ Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List☀️

Well, it feels kinda weird writing the same long book list the third time in a row, so I'm gonna post links to my a) June TBR and b) 20 Books for Summer reading challenge which literally tells you which books I plan on reading during the summer - as this prompt says 😂

 For this post I'm gonna pick one specific genre that I plan on reading this summer and show you books that fit into this category that are on my TBR.

And that genre is - historical romance. Why did I highlight this genre you might ask? It's because I am a sci-fi person. I'd pick the future over the past ANY TIME. Historical fiction is so rarely on my TBR that I was shocked when I realized I wanna read some this summer.

So why do I? Honestly, I think Bridgerton is to blame. Despite never watching this show (I steer clear of mature content-filled TV shows, they're just not my type 😂), I can't seem to escape it. 

TikTok, Instagram, book blogs, etc. Everyone is talking about it and there are clips, bloopers, and interviews whenever I open Youtube or TikTok. For that reason, I developed this sudden desire to read regency era romances, but without all the spice 😂 I found several interesting-looking YA historical romances that I wanna share with you today 🏰


💬 Which books do you plan on reading this summer? Which genre do you read the most during this season? 💬

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  1. I am curious about that genre as well, but it is a bit intimidating. However, I have heard great things about A Fragile Enchantement, and all those covers are very pretty! Have fun with it this summer!

    Here's my list:

    1. Thanks! I also find historical fiction intimidating, partly beause such books are usually longer than other genres 😂

      I'll check out your list 😉

  2. Good for you for exploring a genre you don’t normally visit! I’m generally a sci-fi person, too.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Thanks! I'm trying to expand my horizons 😂 I'll have to check out your TTT 😉.

  3. Bridgerton does seem to be everywhere right now! I'm not interested in watching it or reading the books. I enjoy a clean Regency romance every now and again, but that's it. I hope you enjoy the one's you've picked.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Same! Unfortunately, most books that are being hyped right now are all about "spice" and it's getting hard to find a good historical romance without it 😅. Thanks, happy TTT to you too!

  4. A Fragile Enchantment looks interesting!

  5. First of all, these covers are all incredible! I also love that you are venturing outside your usual comfort zone! I keep thinking I'll cave and watch Bridgerton even though I don't have a ton of interest (like you said, it is impossible to escape the hype!), but then I never find the time! I hope you end up loving these! As a fellow sci-fi fan, I do on occasion enjoy a historical fiction, so I hope you do too!

    1. Thanks! Yeah, I feel like Bridgerton is the new "Squid Game" 😂 Actually, every couple of months a "new" series comes out and everyone becomes obsessed. Stranger Things, You, The Summer I Became Pretty etc. It's hard to escape the hype when the whole world is talking only about that one thing 😂

      Hopefully I have the same experience as you! One of these 4 will certainly turn out to be good 😁

  6. I hope you enjoy your historical fiction reads! I too am not a big historical reader... Unless they have some sort of fantasy/paranormal element to them like The Infernal Devices. But then I love anything Shadowhunters related, so 😂

    1. hahah I get it, some series are just special😂 I'm also more likely to read historical fiction if it has a twist to it - like time travel, otherwise the past is just...not interesting enough 😂

