Mini Reviews - Retelling Binge

 The first half of June was filled with fairytales and fantasy. Also, I just realized that I've read 3 different Beauty and the Beast retellings 😂😂 


First up, we have The Lunar Chronicles. I've been wanting to reread this wonderful series since the beginning of the year, but I never had the time since it's pretty long and I wanted to fully enjoy it. This month I did it and it was the best time of my life 😂 Being back into this world brought me great joy and it reminded me why I loved this series (and generally sci-fi retellings) in the first place.

It's one of the most original B&B retellings I've read, not because it's gender-swapped, but because of the main point delivered at the very end. It fits this story so much better than how the OG ended. I'm being intentionally vague because it's sort of a twist revealed at the end.

I guessed early on who the ladies of the court were but it didn't lower the value of the story to me at all. I found this whole concept to be fascinating and enjoyable.

While the pacing is not the greatest (it's quite slow for me), it does have a valid reason. I believe this story focuses more on the character developments and internal battles - which it does very well.

I found all of the characters to be wonderful and the side characters didn't feel like "filler people." There's also no real "villain" just this scary beast and the emotional damage the characters have to overcome 😂😂 Both Beau and Belle were reasonable people and I definitely rooted for them from the start.

I have only 2 small issues with this - a) as I mentioned above, it sometimes gets really slow and b) it feels just a tiny bit like insta-love


Next up is The Twisted Pages series which currently has 5 books (I think I saw somewhere the author mentioning a 6th one as well, but I'm not sure). I've only read the first two which are Beauty and the Beast "themed" and I won't read the rest because the main characters are different. Unlike The Lunar Chronicles where I actually loved the whole cast, in this series I'm afraid I don't really like all of them and I'm not exactly motivated to read from their POVs 😅 

While Beastly Beauty is more focused on the inner turmoil of the characters and shows the depth of someone's personality, Of Thorns and Beauty is pure fun and action. Not to say that it doesn't have interesting characters, it does! But it's obviously written more as entertainment and has a heavy focus on banter and romance. Beastly Beauty has a more "serious" point to it and the writing is more complex. Again, both books are amazing in their own way. 

💬 Do you enjoy reading retellings? Or fairytales in general? Have you read any of the above? 💬

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  1. I read the first two (I think?) of the Lunar Chronicles. I liked them, there was no reason I didn't continue other than time heh. I find retellings to be hit or miss, personally- I think because sometimes they're *too* close to the source so I feel like I know what is happening? I am glad that these were all pretty good for you!

    1. If you ever get the desire to read retellings again, I definitely recommend picking up TLC where you left of, because Cress is the best one 😂

      I agree! If it's too similar to the source, there's no "what's gonna happen next, I can't wait to find out" beause you already know.

      I think that's why I liked TLC the most out of all of these - because it expands so much from the source material, it creates it's own universe. There are so many new side characters and plot points, that it becomes a unique experience 😄

  2. Re-reading a favorite series just hits different. I re-read The Heroes of Olympus earlier this year and it honestly made me so happy. It helped that I had read these books like 10 years ago so I remembered very little. Lol.

    It's so funny that you read so many Beauty and the Beast retellings. Lol. I'm gonna have to check out some of these books! If you want even more retellings with an interesting twist, Jennifer Estep wrote a short story called The Beauty of Being a Beast and it had the BEST twist when it came to breaking the curse!

    1. It truly does!! Rereading should be a form of therapy 😂 I'm glad you enjoyed The Heroes of Olympus so much!

      I just googled The Beauty of Being a Beast and when you said "short story" I didn't realize it was literally under 30 pages 😂 Thanks for the rec! I'm gonna read it right away lol the retelling mood is still strong

