20 Books of Summer


Did I find yet another reading challenge to try and motivate myself into reading even more? 

This challenge runs from June 1st till September 1st hence the "summer" in the title 😂 It's simple, pick 10, 15 or 20 books to read during this time and that's it. 

You can even switch out the books during the challenge, which is a great thing if you're a mood reader.

Here's the official image that links to the original post where you can read more:

I've decided to read 20 books but I can't say that this is the final list. I put whole series on here, but if I decide that I don't like the first book and don't wish to continue with the series, I will switch it out for something else.

So here's my not-so-final book list which I've divided into categories for each of my moods 😂😂

🏰 Historical Romance 🏰


❤️ Rom-Coms ❤️


🌹 Retellings 🌹


⚔️ Fantasy ⚔️


💬 Have you participated in this challenge before? Do you read more in the summer, or during winter? 💬

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  1. Thanks so much for taking part Jane. I hope you have a great summer of reading!

    1. Thank *you* for creating this challenge! 🥰

  2. 😂 I totally get joining challenges, it's one of my weaknesses... even if I fail miserably at them. Lol. Instant Karma was SOO cute! I hope you enjoy it! I only just recently started reading more high fantasy and Caraval is one of the series on my TBR! That and its sequel series!

    1. hahah joining challenges is more fun than actually finishing them 😂 ooh Caraval has lots of good reviews and I've seen it on so many "fave fantasy" lists that I had to add it. Hopefully it's as good as people say it is 😂

