June 2024 TBR

May's theme was among the stars and the theme for June is:

👑🌹🌙 fairytales with a twist 🏰🧚✨

If there is one thing I love as much as a good sci-fi, it's a good fairytale retelling. And when you combine those two things you get ✨ T H E  L U N A R  C H R O N I C L E S ✨

That series was my life at one point and remains an important part of my reading personality. It's been a couple of years since I last reread it so I decided to do it again this year and actually, most of my June TBR are sci-fi/ fantasy retellings, so yeah..I guess TLC set the mood then 😂


All of the above are sci-fi/ fantasy novels except for Four for the Road, but I had to include it because it's part of my KeyWord Reading Challenge 😂😂 Although, I can't promise I'll actually read it in June, since the mood is obviously quite different. 

💬 Which books are you planning to read in June? 💬

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  1. Oooh I love a retelling! *adds more books to the never-ending tbr pile* 😅 I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of these books!

    1. yesss mission accomplished 🤗 I'm so close to finishing Beastly Beauty so that review is up next

