Top Ten Tuesday - emotional damage


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Here is the topic of the week:

😭😍 Books I Had VERY Strong Emotions About 😠😂

I absolutely love this prompt! It was so much fun exploring my "read list" and trying to find books that had a strong impact on me. I tried to find different types of "emotional damage" 😂

😡😡BURN IT!!!


Obviously, you can get by the title, these are books that made me question my life choices and why I wasted my precious time on them. First off is Anna whom I hated with a burning passion. She is a HORRIBLE person and if you want to see my unhinged rant, you can do so HERE

I have just realized that 2 romance novels that I hate the most, I do so for the same reason (a selfish, arrogant, pick-me girl as a main character) AND THEY SHARE THE SAME TITLE. No wonder I avoid books that have "french kissing" in their descriptions like the plague. Anyway, my rant about The Art of French Kissing is also available on Goodreads 😂 

I won't even talk about The Death Cure except to say that it turned a wonderful dystopian series into trash and I pretend this ending doesn't exist. 

🤭 Giggling and kicking my feet 


These books were too adorable and cute. I'm mainly talking about romance here, but the rest of the plot is equally amazing. 

😭 Why? WHYYY?? 


The books above are the ones that I don't hate as much as the ones in the first section, but they still disappointed me so much they made a lasting impression. I could've named this section "final books that ruined perfectly good trilogies" but it was too long 😂 I have the same issue with both - they took the female MCs and turned them into something I do not like and had endings that ruined the story arcs for me. It was like the whole thing was for nothing. 

😍 there are no words for the amazement that I have just witnessed 


I can't say anything that hasn't been said before - these series had top quality from the first to the last book. Every character, every plot line, every page...perfection.

💬 Which books made you mad? Or really really happy? 💬

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  1. Omg I absolutely agree with you about As Good As Dead!! What was that?! I'm still not over the horrible turn that book took! 😠

    1. I have no idea why the author chose to go that way, it ruined everything 😭

  2. Your rants were so much fun to read!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. hahah thanks! writing rants is therapeutic

  3. Replies
    1. you shouldn't!! 😠 it ruined everything

