It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 03.06.24

New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

I know, this was my "last read" in my last Monday post 😂😂 I have nothing to add except that I'm finally back into a reading mood and am having a great time!

Rereading this is bringing me all these happy feelings. For one, because it's got sentimental value to me, and two because it's genuinely a great story. I was supposed to read Into the Churn but for some reason, it didn't sound appealing at all. I just had no desire whatsoever to read it so I picked up TLC instead


Of course I'm gonna reread the sequels as well, who wouldn't??? Although, I might not read Winter because a) it's 830 pages b) it's my least favorite of them all 😅 Don't get me wrong! I still love it and it got 5 stars from me, but I don't have the desire to reread it right now, maybe at a later date 😂

💬 What was your last read? What are you planning on reading next? 💬

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  1. Have fun re-reading TLC!! I totally get you about Winter though... it is a HEFTY book 😂 Somehow, when I first read it, I think I did it in like two days 😂 That's how hooked I was on this series. Lol.

    1. I get why you binged it, it's just that good 😂 ahh I AM having so much fun, I'm already 20% in Cress and it's just as I remember it

