Top Ten Tuesday -2024 Releases I Haven't Read


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Here is the topic of the week:

✨ 2024 Releases I Was Excited to Read but Still Haven’t Gotten To ✨

It's a pretty direct topic so I'm just gonna list all the 2024 releases I was looking forward to but haven't yet had the pleasure of reading 😄


I'm actually thinking about reading the bottom row right now 😂😂 I'm stuck on fantasy and I think my mind can't handle any more complicated world-building. I definitely need a palette cleanser 😂

 Which 2024 books were you excited about?

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  1. I remember seeing ARCs for a couple of these and I became intrigued.
    I would also love to read Games Untold, but I need to read Hawthorn Brother's and I am not that excited about it.
    Heir sounds incredible, and I heard great things, but I haven't read the other series yet.
    If you feel like reading those, maybe it is a sign... GO READ THEM!

    1. Heir does sound amazing! The only reason why I haven't read it yet is because I dread waiting for sequels 😭 It's easier to read series when every sequel is already out so I can binge it. When I have to wait a year or more, I usually forget what I read 😂

      You know what, YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT. I'll go and read those cutesy romances because I can just feel I'll love them ♥

  2. I desperately want to read Heir and really hope to do so this year. And I brought Most Wonderful Crime Of The Year when I spotted it on offer after seeing a few rave reviews then totally failed in my festive reading efforts 🙈 this year!! I'm also curious about The Dagger & The Flame and those pink covers look so pretty together 😍 I hope you manage to get to some of these soon and that they all end up being worth the wait.

    1. yesss I feel exactly the same! I should've read Wonderful Crime when it was snowing, now it just feels ridiculous (we have had 2 weeks of warmer sunny weather here) 😂

      I love putting covers that fit a certain palette together 🤭 I hope so too!

