KeyWord Challenge - My Picks!

 Finally, I have finished my KeyWord book picks list and I'll be showing you what I'll probably read next year 😂 In case you missed my last few posts concerning this theme, you can read my recommendations for this challenge HERE and HERE - those are all books I have read before and have rated 4 stars or higher.

Now let's dive into all the new books that await me in this challenge!

JANUARY - time

Stolen Time

FEBRUARY - club, stay

The Thursday Murder Club; Stay With My Heart

MARCH - over

Hearts Overboard; Overgrowth

APRIL - days, starlight

A Long Stretch Of Bad Days; Of Starlight and Bone

MAY - city, lost

A City of Flames; The Lost Heiress

JUNE - heart

Even If It Breaks Your Heart; Heart's Blood

JULY - sunrise, good

Sunrise On the Reaping; Buried In a Good Book

AUGUST - trial

The Wonderland Trials

SEPTEMBER - where, crash

Where There's Smoke; Full Speed To A Crash Landing

OCTOBER - moon, last, one

Moon Soul; Until the Last Page; The One That Got Away With Murder

NOVEMBER - bloom

Death In Bloom

DECEMBER - fable, shop

Fable; The Spellshop

Unlike the "cheat sheets" posts, I haven't read a single book from this list and I don't plan on rereading any books in 2025. Except for one and that's only because there's a prompt for a different challenge that literally says "reread a favorite novel" 😂

Do we share any of the picks for the prompts? Have you read any of the books above and if so, would you recommend them? How are you guys doing with your "challenge book picking"?

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  1. Like I told you, it was hard for me to come up with books; it looks really interesting and I wanted to join, but I think I'd be adding books just for the sake of the challenge and that would add to my tbr.
    I am interested in Stay in my Heart and Fable, but I've also heard great things about The Spellshop. Very excited for you to read Full Speed to a Crash Landing, and smart to add Sunrise on the Reaping.
    I hope you smash this challenge!

    1. Yeah, it truly sucks the joy out of reading when you only read books for the sake of a challenge 😅

      yess I think the whole world-wide reading community is excited about Sunrise on the Reaping 😍

      Thanks! I hope you finish all yours as well! 😋❤️.

  2. Good luck with the challenge! I never participate in these types of challenges because my mood reading doesn't allow it 😭 But it looks so fun! I hate being a mood reader sometimes. Lol.

    1. Thanks! hahahah well, I might be more fit for these types of challenges, but you are way ahead of me in the blogging department 😂 if there was a challenge about writing reviews and/or being consistent in posting on your blog, you'd be an automatic winner cuz nobody is even CLOSE girl

