Top Ten Tuesday - Books That Provide an Escape

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Here is the topic of the week:

✨ Books That Provide a Much-Needed Escape ✨

I had no idea how to answer this week's TTT question because for me, all of the books I read give me that feeling 😂 At least the ones that I rate 3 stars and higher. Everything below that doesn't give me an escape, it gives me another chore to do 😂 

Sooo I picked the books that I consider to have a complex, or at least very interesting, world-building - e.g. "a world to escape to." These are in no particular order 😃 


A world where men can hear each other's thoughts and women are extinct...or at least that's what they say 😏 Todd believed everything they told him, until he stumbled upon a girl in the woods...🔪

📚 The Great Library is present in every major city and controls the knowledge the people get. Personal ownership of books is expressly forbidden. Jess has been sent to the Library as a spy, but the things he discovers will change the world.

The Great Network is an ancient web of routes and gates, where sentient trains can take you anywhere in the galaxy in the blink of an eye. Petty thief Zen is hired to steal one small box from the Emperor’s train, but the contents of that box might just destroy the galaxy. 🚂 

🌌 An epic story that spans three books tells the tale of ordinary teens doing their best to save the galaxy and not die trying. There's a war between two rival mega-corporations, a plague and of course the AI might be going rogue. 

Two teens, a daughter of an infamous pirate and the president's son who's looking for adventure, team up and go on an epic quest across the ocean to get what they both need - and maybe get something more on the way.🌊 

💬 Have you read any of these books? If you participated in this week's TTT feel free to drop a link below and I'll check it out! 💬 

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  1. Ink and Bone sounds interesting.

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. it's one of the few series with so many books that held my interest till the end, I definitely recommend! 😄

  2. Ink and Bone has me curious. But I'm not sure I'd want to visit a world where someone else tells me what I can and can't know.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. That's a good point! 😄 It would be quite scary.

  3. I am very intrigued by Railhead 👀 And I actually have Illuminae from the library right now, though idk if I'll get to it before it's due with my weird mood being the way it is 😂

    1. oohh I can't wait for your mood to switch to sci-fi novels because Illuminae will surprise you in the best way 😍 the format, the characters, the shenanigans...ahh I think I'm due for a reread 😂

      Railhead is cool as well! It has that steampunk dystopian kinda vibe that I don't see that often

  4. I’ve added Railhead and Illuminae to my TBR list.

    1. I'm glad you found something that interests you!

  5. Thank you so much, it means a lot! I hope so too ♥ I'll be sure to check out your blog 😄

