It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 09.09.24

New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

Reading this has been an absolute blast. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun reading a book. It's quirky, it's sometimes a bit cringe, but you know what? Everyone needs a bit of silliness from time to time 😂 The interactions between the grumpy boss villain and sunshine assistant were too adorable ♥ Also, there's a twist in here that I did not see coming 😉

Immediately picked this one up and it's good so far. I love how Sage got even more badass than the last book and how we got to meet some new characters. Can't wait to see what else happens 😄

I think I might read this one next because it's supposed to have a similar vibe - a rom-com with an unusual setting. We'll see.

💬 What are you currently reading? What are you planning on reading next? 💬

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  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed Assistant to the Villain! It makes me even more excited to read it! I hope the sequel is just as good!

    1. I'm currently 60% in and it's as crazy and fun as the first one 😂 idk how I'll wait for the third book when I finish this one

