It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 23.09.24

New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

It started off pretty great, but the end result was bleh. The whole vibe was off - the dialogues were stiff, almost like no emotion was present; the powers weren't explained properly; the world building wasn't detailed enough. You have Croppers, who grow food for everyone and you have Regents who do important stuff at the city I guess? I have no idea what their purpose is....The main twist I saw a mile away and the ending was predictable. I did like Meg as the main character though.  

The concept for this sounds like it has just enough creepiness thrown in to properly start off the autumn season. I only read the prologue because I had so little time this weekend to read 😭 

If I end up liking Down World, I'm probably continuing with this series. Apparently, there's also a third book which had it's release date pushed back to 2025.

💬 What are you currently reading? What are you planning on reading next? 💬

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  1. Oh no, sucks you didn't end up loving Sky of Seven Colors. That one sounded like it had a really interesting premise. But at least the protagonist was a good one. Lol. As a lover of Spooky Season lol, I'm looking forward to seeing what books you read!

    1. yeah, unfortunately, the last few books I read were definitely not my thing 😂 maybe I'll have more luck next month

