Autumn To Do List

🍁🍪🌂 Autumn is coming and I absolutely love sweather weather! 🍁🍪🌂 

I've decided to create a list of all the things I want to read/watch this autumn. I probably won't get to all of these, but that's fine. This is more like a general idea of the things I'd like to try, setting the vibes. 

My favorite things as you'll see below are murder and time travel 😂 For some reason those two topics scream autumn to me. This list will contain books, movies and TV shows. And after some consideration, I decided to add a couple of games I wanna play too, so let's begin! 



The first batch of books is obviously just a ton of murder mysteries. I just love trying to figure out whodunnit and having fantastic plot twists. Bonus points if it's a small town setting 😍


The other genre that fits my autumn mood is horror/thriller sci-fi. There are so many unique concepts and ideas among these books that I can't wait to get to them all!



As you can see, the spooky mystery vibes continue with the movies as well. Most of these are psychological thrillers, but there's also a few sci-fi ones. I'm most excited about Speak No Evil (because James McAvoy 🤭); Twisters (it got good ratings) and Trap (the trailer was so. good.)

------TV SHOWS------


First up we have 2 shows that have new seasons coming out. I absolutely love watching Abbott because it represents the school work setting perfectly - all the random shenanigans that happen, weird stuff kids do and say, gossiping with the coworkers...As a person who works at school, I appreciate their effort endlessly 😂 Next is OMITB and all of the season so far have been the perfect cozy mystery to watch and I have no doubt this new season will be just like that as well.


Midnight at the Pera Palace is a Turkish time travel mystery show that I loved last year. It's so unique and fun + it has a hate-to-love romance subplot that's too cute. Season 2 is coming out soon on Netflix and I'm so excited! Everyone knows AGGGTM so I won't be describing that one 😂


If you were like me, an OG PLL fan watching every season the moment it came out, you might be interested in the spin off Original Sin. I know this show came out a few years ago, but I never had the time or the will to watch it. This autumn I had the sudden urge to watch teen mystery shows in that specific 2010s era vibe, where all the teens looked way too old, the episodes were fillmed in the dark, the outfits were extra and the ships were so good. That's why I also decided to rewatch Scream The TV Series. That show is so underrated it's unreal. It has the best plot twists and it also slightly pokes fun at all the usual teen slasher movie tropes. Bonus points for having characters I actually cared for.


This Bed We Made - you play as a maid at a hotel who tries to solve the murder that happened in one of the rooms. You go through other people's stuff and try to find out what they're hiding.

Duck Detective - a cozy and a bit silly mystery solving game where you play as a duck who's also a detective. It's short and sweet, according to Steam.

Escape Memoirs - You are a member of a criminal organization who must break into one of their own safe houses to fetch some important tools.

Recolit - Recolit is a pixel art puzzle-adventure game where you search for lights in a town where night never ends.

Deliver Us The Moon - Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future, where Earth's natural resources are depleted. A lone astronaut is sent to the moon on a critical mission to save humanity from extinction.

💬 Do you have a plan for autumn? Which genres are you most likely to read during this season? 💬

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  1. Oooh there's a couple of books on your TBR that caught my attention. I will have to look into them. And then there's others I've had on my TBR for a minute and have actually checked out from the library at least twice only to return them unread when they're due because I'm a mood reader *cough* Star Splitter *cough* 😂 I'll get to it... eventually 😆

    I also need to make some time to watch movies because there's quite a few that I want to see. Twisters was a fun one! I hope you enjoy it! And so many fun games! I can't wait to hear what you think of all the stuff on your very substantial to-do list 😆

    1. hahahah now that you've said it, it really is a substantial list 😂 if I get to half of these things, I'll be delighted lol

      yes, I actually saw Star Splitter on your blog first and it sounded so good 😂 I hope your movie watchlist project goes well!

