It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 16.09.24

New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

For some reason, I thought this would be a dystopian novel, but this is actually a rom-com that just so happens to be set 6 days before a comet hits and destroys Earth 😂 I mean, technically it does fit but it's not what I expected and that's why I was slightly disappointed. Also, it kinda has insta-love because they literally hang out for those 6 days before "realizing they're in love." I gave it 3 stars because the characters were cute 😂

I'm only 2 chapters in so no opinions yet, but this concept sounds fascinating. It has that "Alice in wonderland" vibe in the sense that a girl from the "real world" suddenly finds herself in a world adjacent to ours that has no color in it. So basically, she's the only one colorful and sets on a mission to save both their world and her own. 

I might start Down World, or I might pick up The Kill depends on my mood 😅

💬 What are you currently reading? What are you planning on reading next? 💬

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  1. Oh no, I hate when you go into one book thinking it's one thing but then it turns out it's another 😬 It seemed like such a fun premise! Glad you at least liked the characters though. Lol. And I'm curious to hear your thoughts Sky of Seven Colors because that one sounds like it also has an interesting premise!

    1. yeah, it's inconvenient 😅 I truly did like them! The author definitely broke the "he's a prince" stereotype with Theo 😁

