Reading Challenge Update *Part 3*

I did an update in April and 4 more months have passed so it's time for another one! Before getting into all the year-long challenges, here's my recap of the Bout of Books readathon 😄

My goal was: "to read 3 books and have fun with the community on the official Discord"

I finished it semi-successfully 😂I've read 2 and a half books and I chatted on their Discord several times during the week 😊 I think it's a win because 2 of these books were historical novels (a genre I don't usually find interesting) and because I had guests over the weekend so technically, I had 2 days less to read 😅 

The books I finished were:


Edenbrooke was absolutely phenomenal! It had all the Pride and Prejudice vibes without having any boring descriptions or dragging the story. The characters were so charming and cute. An Improbable Season on the other hand didn't pull me in as much. It was okay, but nothing more. I've finished about 40% of Borrow My Heart at the time of the readathon and it was okay, I guess 😅

Now onto the other challenges!

1. A to Z Challenge


On my last update, I had 11 books read. Now, I have 15/26 which is 58% 😁 Not bad but it's already August and I should've read a bit more to keep on track 😅 

In any case, I made some changes to this list because I couldn't find some books and others were definitely not fitting my reading mood. I only switched 3 books this time, but I have a feeling I'm gonna switch more during the next couple of months 😂

I don't consider this cheating because I'm still picking books that fit the letters. It's hard creating a TBR that I'll stick to because I chose these at the beginning of the year and of course, my reading habits and moods have changed so much since then 😅

2. Key Word Challenge

I finished all the books required up till August. I know I won't finish it this month because my mood is completely different than that of the book - Sky of Seven Colors 😂 But I do plan on switching to sci-fi fantasy next month and it fits like a glove 😄

3. 24 Books for 2024

I had to make changes to this list as well 😂 I realized there's no way I'm gonna reread Skyward - not only does it have a million sequels, but each book is really really long. I do not have the patience for that 😂 But, this meant that I had to replace 4 books on this list. 

For the reread section, I chose my all-time fave - The Distance Between Us because I plan on rereading it in the next couple of days, and I also added I Hunt Killers because Lili mentioned it recently and I realized I never continued this series 🤔

For the sequels, I added ones I already finished earlier in the year 😏

I've finished 20 books (83%) and honestly, I'm nailing this challenge 😂

4. 2024 Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My goal is:

Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s

I have currently 67 books read, which is 30 more than the last update. It's not bad, but I'm starting work again soon and I'm hoping I don't get into a reading slump because it's gonna be tight 😅😅

5. 20 Books of Summer

This is a new addition and I'm doing quite well actually 😄 As the titles says, the goal was to read 20 books during the summer months, and I've got till September 22nd to read 3 and a half books which is not bad at all 😏 Here are the books I picked:


The historical section: 4/5 done! I DNF-ed Bellegarde so instead, I'm adding one more book to the contemporary romance section.


This was the last section I started reading so I've only finished 1/5 and I'm currently halfway through Instant Karma 😄


Finished all 5 of the retellings! 🥳


All the fantasies are done as well! 6/6 ✨

In total, I've read 16 and a half books/20 and I'm quite satisfied 😍

💬 How are you doing so far in your reading challenges? 💬

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  1. Oh my, so many challenges. Lol. I can relate 😆 It looks like you're doing pretty well overall though! Yay!

    Oooh The Warning caught my attention for the very specific reason that the cover reminds me of the movie poster of the movie Cube, which is a sci-fi horror movie I really like 😆 I'm gonna have to look into that book 👀

    I love that you made changes to your challenges to suit your needs 😂 I myself am a fan of bending the rules a smidge 😏 lol

    1. I started the year with only 3 reading challenges and somehow this happened 😂

      ooohh that movie sounds like the perfect addition to my autumn movie watch list 😏

      hahahah of course, us "book criminals" must stick together 😂

