Top Ten Tuesday - 10 Things I Loved

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Here is the topic of the week:

💜 Ten Things I Loved About the Constellation Series 💜

The original prompt mentioned picking only one book, but I wanted to talk about this series as a whole. Not every series turns out to be great from start to finish, most of the time I fall in love with the first book, and the sequels disappoint me. 

This did not happen with Constellation. I will admit I loved the first book more than 2nd and 3rd but  I still find them all of great quality and would recommend them. And here are 10 reasons why: ðŸ˜‚

1. Abel - he is an advanced robot boy who discovers emotions after spending years alone, stranded on an abandoned ship in space. I absolutely loved him, his thinking, his behavior, his attitude toward Noemi EVERYTHING

2. Noemi - second half of this majestic duo, Noemi is a badass who makes tough decisions and doesn't shy away from difficult situations. She was willing to sacrifice everything for her people and her love for Abel was equally magnificent.

3. the romance - the respect they have for each other is just beautiful. Abel and Noemi have one of the healthier relationships among the YA novels 😂 

4. the friendships - while they were on various missions across space, they met lots of different people. Along with it they build wonderful friendships that enrich their lives. Honestly, by the third book I actually enjoyed reading more about those than the romance 😂

5. side characters - this is kinda connected to the point above, but I had to mention it - Claudia Gray knows how to write fleshed-out and likable characters. Each new person they met, I fell in love with.

6. plot twists - there were plenty across the 3 books and I found them all to be quite interesting and loved where the plot went

7. political discussions - there was talk about war, about what it means to be human (or AI), exile, sacrifice, refugees etc. It added more depth and realism to the story.

8. world building- very complex and I felt like I personally visited every planet on the Loop 😂 ahh I love sci-fi

 9. the writing - I flew through these books. Even though there were lots of things going on and as I said before, lots of heavy subjects were talked about, I still thought it was super light and easy to read. That means the author did a good job explaining everything while also not doing too many info dumps.

10. the ending - an ending can make or break a series. You can write 3 gorgeous books but if you write a ridiculous ending, I'll hate the whole thing (I'm looking at you Divergent!). This one fit perfectly and made me feel happy ðŸ˜Š

💬 Have you read this series before? Which book would you pick for this question? 💬

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  1. I've never read this, but I'd like to based off your list. I like sci-fi and with most of the ya/romances they aren't very healthy relationships as you point out, which i find frustrating.

    I picked a Let the Right One In for my Top Ten

    1. I know right! There are always a bunch of red flags when it comes to YA romances 😂

      I'll check out your post! In any case I hope you read this series because it's so good ♥

