It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 15.07.24

New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

Idk what happened to me, but I DNF-ed this 😂😂Somewhere around the 20% mark I realized I didn't care for the story anymore. It was like everything was happening, every plot point ever created and I couldn't take it anymore. It felt like the author wanted to create a dramatic effect but it was just exhausting. I wanted Tella and Scarlett to finally have some adventures together but nope, the sisters are separated again and it drove me insane. I had the same issue with Legendary. Why can't these sisters just share all the secrets/knowledge and actually help each other?? Also, every male character felt the same - he was hot, brooding half of the time and the other half drooling after one of the sisters....

I'm actually almost done with this one and I LOVED IT. It's a unique dystopian novel that totally gave me the vibes of those 2005-2015 books when post-apocalyptic worlds were all the rage. It's also got a hate-to-love romance and the main character becomes a badass by the end of the book 😍

Unfortunately, Us Dark Few doesn't have a sequel yet so I'm picking this one up. It's part of my summer reading challenge + it also has the enemies to lovers trope which I'm in the mood for 😂

💬 What are you currently reading? What are you planning on reading next? 💬

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