July 2024 TBR

June's theme was fairytales with a twist and the theme for July is:

👑🌹 fantasy romance 🏰✨

This is basically a continuation of last month - we're still in the fantasy genre, but this time they're not retellings. There are some famous YA books on this list and it's about time I get to them 😂


July is looking pretty good. I'm already reading Finale so that's one series almost done. I'll probably pick up Once Upon a Broken Heart next because it's in the same universe 😄

💬 What are your plans for July? 💬

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  1. I'm a little late but I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on these books!

    1. Thanks! There were some great hits, but also some huge disappointments 😅 one of these days I'm gonna make myself write all these reviews, the "to-review" list is getting too long

