How to Date a Superhero - Cristina Fernandez

How to Read This Book (And Not Die of Boredom)

Just to be clear, I don't hate this book and my overall rating would be 2.5 stars, but there are more cons than pros.

I'll start with the good stuff:

• the friendship between Astrid and David was amazing - rarely do we get to see a friendship between a boy and a girl that doesn't turn into something more, or it turns into a love triangle/ second love interest kinda thing

• this book makes fun of all the tropes usually found in superhero books and while it does sometimes get a bit cringy, it's still light-hearted and fun

• Max ♥ he is such a fluffy boyfriend you can't help but love. He was so nice and always there for Astrid. 

Now onto the cons...

Astrid is very goal-oriented and right now, her goal is to get her best scores on every exam/ presentation/ essay whatever. Which is fine. In fact, the first few chapters, I enjoyed her "study enthusiasm" but by the 50% mark, it started to get annoying. It was constantly shoved down our throats how "college comes first" and how she has lots of schedules for everything and it is what's most important. It was too repetitive and boring.

The other thing I disliked was how I had wildly different expectations for this book. The summary makes you think it's gonna have far more action than it does. Also, I thought there'd be more "superheroing." The whole book is written sort of on the sidelines (which is probably the point the author was trying to make, but I think that should've been made more clear in the summary) and all we get are lines like "this superhero just flew by here"; "that supervillain blew a building nearby" etc. We aren't in this world, we are sort of next to it. I was hoping for something more dramatic than a chem lab partner being slightly annoying and hogging the microscope Astrid wants to use...


  1. Replies
    1. It's okay! I'd rather read a mediocre book that has some good points than a book I'd completely hate 😅 also, I was really into the mood for superhero themes, and that's what I got

