It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 26.02.24


New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

A book where the main characters are villains/ morally grey people that was certainly interesting and had some strong points, but ultimately for me, it didn't reach the hype. It was not bad, but not awesome either 😄

A contemporary novel that's all about mental health, art projects and a dash of romance. Wow, my moods are changing like crazy. Last week, I was all for superheroes and villains (read 2 books) and now I want some sad romance novels where characters bond over shared trauma. Yes, I'm that specific 😂

Keeping up with the "tragic teen romance" theme, I'm hoping to read this next 😄

What are you currently reading? What are your plans for the week?


  1. My mood is all over the place this week too! The last book I read was a horror novel, and up next I'm planning on starting a contemporary romance 😆 Two books on completely different sides of the spectrum 😂

    1. hahah that really is a big genre jump 😂😂

