Most Anticipated 2024 Releases


I just realized that I completely forgot to do the upcoming releases for February post....

You might think I'm gonna do it now but you'd be wrong 😂😂 You might also think that I'll finally stop posting "2024" related posts and again, you'd be wrong. What can I say? I love doing new year posts, they are so much fun and there's always something more you can say. 

This time, I'll be mentioning my most anticipated releases in the first half of 2024 since books from August till December haven't been announced yet (or don't have final covers/ descriptions).

The books are in the order of their release and I've tried mentioning books that I haven't talked about before.


Most of these are romance novels which is a big surprise for me, since my fave genres are sci-fi and mystery 😂 My current mood probably affects my decisions while writing this post. Although, I will mention a couple of more books below because choosing only 6 was too hard 


Which books are you looking forward to the most?

