TV Shows - One Of Us Is Lying

Heyy guysss today I have a special guest with me - ALICEEEE ♥ Today we're gonna review one of the best shows of 2021 - One Of Us Is Lying. Here's some quick info:

"A brain, an athlete, a princess, a criminal and a "basket case" walk into detention--but only the first four make it out alive."

Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery


 First of all, this description says it all. It's so short and that's on purpose because let me tell you something, this show is insane and it's better if you go into it blindly.

What to expect?


A little disclaimer, we are reviewing this show a couple of months after actually watching it, so our memory might not be the best 😂

Also, we will immediately review the second season, if we remember it at all 😂

One more thing I have to add, this series was based on the book of the same name by Karen McManus. Both of us read the book so we had a chance to compare the series to the original, and honestly, the TV adaptation can hold it’s own.

But, one thing that bothered me was a choice of some actors. For example Nate Macauley. Absolutely different than the way that he is described in the book. Or maybe he just isn’t my type…

Just look at him 🙄

I agree, he wouldn’t be my first choice for a mysterious broody bad boy of the school but  what can you do? I have to say, at first, I was a bit surprised by their choice of actress for the role of Bronwyn - she looks a bit too old for a teenager, but she did grown on me after a couple of episodes.

On the other hand, Addy was perfect. 

Doesn’t she look exactly like that popular rich mean girl in every American school? In any case, the casting was pretty good. Now onto the good stuff 😏 The plot itself was amazing. You get just enough information to keep it interesting without revealing key information.

Each episode was like a puzzle piece which eventually forms a full picture. Maybe a little unexpected picture.

It’s very hard to describe the plot without being too vague, but that’s because every episode adds something new and we can’t say anything without spoiling it. 

 Also, we really don’t remember 😂

But we can say that most of the characters had interesting developments.This difficult situation they found themselves in brought out the best and the worst out of them… mostly the worst 🤨

Most of the characters were fun to watch, except Cooper really because his whole personality was just his sexuality. It’s like he didn’t have anything else going on except having to choose between baseball and having a boyfriend. 

Other characters had complex problems but they were there for each other. Everyone except Cooper who was just whining all the time.

All in all, the series will surprise you and the ending is very shocking. Not to mention, it ends on a cliffhanger but luckily for you, unlike us, you don’t have to wait for a sequel and can just binge the 2nd season.

Are you becoming sassy like Addy? 😜

Maybe, unlike Addy whose friend was murdered, I had to WAIT for a new season, which is obviously a bigger problem 🙄

Can we put aside your “major” problems and talk about 2nd season?

Fine, but you know as well as I do that we have an even bigger problem now, because the 2nd season also ended on a cliff hanger and not only do we have to wait for the 3rd one, we don’t even know if it will ever be made 😭

Well, because I have super powers, I don’t need the 3rd season - I already know everything 😏 Unlike the rest of you mortals, I knew exactly how the story would end.

I have to admit, it’s true. While me and my sister were making up crazy conspiracy theories, Alice over here with her crazy instincts guessed everything from THE FIRST EPISODE!!! 

Sherlock is my second name!


Basically, the show is really good, we recommend it and we don’t have any bigger complaints about it :)

Except now we have to wait for the 3rd season…



