Mini Reviews - January

As I said in my last post, I somehow managed to read 8 books in 2 weeks, but I didn't write reviews for them bc I was too lazy to do it 

Aaand that's why I decided I would write like a batch review for all of them in one post because they were really good and I don't want to just skip over them without writing anything. Also, you'll probably notice a theme 😂


Please ignore these "wattpad fanfiction" type of covers because this series is actually really good. I will admit, there's a bit more violence than I expected, but nothing too graphic. There are revolutions, spying, betrayals, scheming etc. The world-building was detailed enough and the "damsels" saved themselves lots of times. I will admit that the guys have that "overly protective cringe" type of attitude but it was tolerable because it didn't appear all the time. Or maybe I've watched so many kdramas and turkish series I don't even notice it anymore 🤷‍♀️
My rating: ★★★½ 

I AM SO MAD AT MYSELF FOR NOT READING THIS SOONER. This series came out in 2014, at the hight of YA fantasy/dystopian books wave and my dumb past self decided not to read it because of the ugly covers. 

I don't remember the last time I read such a well thought out plot, amazing and brilliant characters, wonderful friendships, plot twists to make my head hurt...It was all so wonderful I just don't know how to describe it. It's definitely a must read if you like strong female characters that are 183467 steps ahead of everyone else and a guy who supports his scheming gf and actually fears for everyone else who tries to beat her at her game.
My rating: ★★★★★


 I think you noticed by now that I was obviously in the mood for some fantasy royalty books 😂 Well, this book has an imaginary kingdom and a prince that has to choose a bride in some "The Selection" type of thing, and that's basically it when it comes to world building. Don't expect a fantasy action-filled novel like those above, nope, this book is just romance AND THAT IS OKAY. Honestly, I loved that this book doesn't pretend to be anything more than it is - a funny, fluffy, banter-full book that is 100% adorable romance. 

My rating: ★★★★



 My friends and I attempted to solve this book but we gave up. It's hard enough when you're a native English speaker, but when English is your second language, it's almost impossible. We had post it notes, highlighters, printed out pages and everything...but it ended up being too much 😅

I'm not gonna rate this book because I technically only read the words and not the plot 😂

