*I know this is 2 days too late, but I'm still on a trip and forgot to log in to publish this post 😂😭
New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by The Book Date.

It started off on a good note - an interesting group of characters, psycho leaving messages, half of the kids missing...Then it got boring. The middle part is basically just them doing the same thing over and over, having the same dialogues and suspecting each other. The ending wasn't much better either. While I didn't guess who was behind it, the explanation was very underwhelming. And honestly, the killer was a bit dumb too 😅

While this one doesn't fit any mood I'm in right now, I forced myself to start it because it's on my reading challenges and I just know I'm gonna like it. I already liked this author's other novel - The Red Palace - and this premise sounds so good. I finished about 40% and I was right, it's REALLY GOOD ♥
We'll see where the mood takes me I guess 😂

What are you currently reading? What are you planning on reading next?