It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 30.09.24


New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

After the epilogue, there are author's notes and info about the publisher. Let's just say that when I saw the publisher was "Wattpad Books" I was not surprised... Honestly, this book is all over the place. Things just happen for no reason, characters seem to know exactly what's going on without any investigation/ clue whatsoever, the plot moves at a weird pace, and at the end I had no idea what I just read which is a shame because the premise sounds SO GOOD. Also, this is marked as horror/thriller, but my grandma is scarier than this.

Continuing with the sci-fi thrillers, I'm picking this one up. This one has better ratings than Down World, so I have high hopes 😂
Depending on my review of The Warning, I might read the sequel, or I might pick a different sci-fi thriller. 

💬 What are you currently reading? What are you planning on reading next? 💬

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  1. "My grandma is scarier than this." 😂😂 Grandmas are pretty scary though 👀 I hope you have better luck with your current read because it sounds very intriguing!

    1. That's true though, grandmas have seen a lot and know a lot 😂 thanks! hopefully this satisfies my sci-fi thriller hunger

