Top Ten Tuesday - Series That Were Too Long/Short

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Here is the topic of the week:

💛 Series I Wish Had More/Less Books 💛

I slightly changed the topic of this week's TTT. The original theme is: "Books I Wish Had More/Less [Insert Your Concept Here] In Them" but I couldn't for the life of me think of a concept that could be used across a diverse range of books so I had to change it 😂 I'll divide the list into 2 parts 😄

Series I Wish Lasted Longer

I think I speak for us all when I say we wish we had more time with these characters ❤️ Their interactions were beautiful and the plot was intriguing to say the least. All the drama, scheming, action etc. We need more 🥺

While I truly believe this series had a wonderful and satisfying ending that doesn't mean I wouldn't want to learn more about this world or a spin off with secondary characters taking the main role. Lynette Noni has gorgeous writing skills and she creates the most beautiful relationships ✨️

This series has 4 books + 1 novella. Is that enough? NEVER. If you don't know, The Naturals is kinda like a YA Criminal Minds and if you asked me, I could read endless books about teens with exceptional profiling skills solve crime cases. 🔪

If you think puting 2 series by the same author is cheating, I don't care, J.L.Barnes is just that good. She wrote this duology ages ago and I still haven't recovered. It had so much potential and I even though there was gonna be at least one more book because the ending didn't feel like The Ending if you know what I mean 😂

A less known dystopian series that yes, shares the same name as the BookTok sensation and yes it has a similar premise - a girl is born without superpowers while everyone else has them. That's where the similarities end. This book has amazing friendships, a kick-ass heroine, plot twists and is actually quite funny. 

Series I Wish Had Less Books

I just know I'm gonna anger so many people with this part of the list 😂

I do not hate these books but I do think the quality was severly lessened in further sequels. 

I read all 5 books of this ridiculousness. I don't know how I did it because I rated the 1st book 3 ⭐️, 2nd 3rd and 4th book 2⭐️ and the last book 1⭐️. Why did I continue reading this? There was probably some reading challenge involved because the books are short and easy to read 😂 In any case, I truly believe this should've been only a trilogy. Reading about America's and Maxton's kid going through the same thing felt pointless.

Look, I was obsessed with this series FOR YEARS. It had the hate-to-love romance we all needed, a badass MC and all the ridiculous plot lines superpowered humans can cause. I've read all 6 books and 4 novellas. And yet, I wish I didn't. I wish the author just ended things with the 3rd book as it had the perfect ending. While I did somewhat like the 4th book when the series was "revived," everything else that happened afterwards was a complete disaster. All my fave characters were ruined and it made the whole series look worse in my eyes. 

This is one of my more recent reads and I haven't yet published my review 🤦🏻‍♀️ I loved Caraval - it was magical, had interesting protagonists and the romance was really cute. Legendary had far less interesting plot and Tella annoyed me a lot. Then came Finale...I DNF-ed it and have no regrets. IMHO the author could've made this a duology. The plot in the 2nd and 3rd book felt repetitive so it definitely could've been shorter and it lacked all the magic the first book had.

I couldn't find any more books that fit this criteria. There were some series where I disliked the 3rd and last book, but can I really say the series should've ended after the 2nd one? Usually no. It needs a 3rd book to tie all loose ends it's just that I didn't like the way they were tied 😂 Some examples: AGGGTM, Divergent, The Maze Runner. 

💬 Which series do you think should last forever? And which ones do you wish didn't last as long as they did? 💬 

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  1. I love this prompt. And you’ve introduced me to new books that I’d like to read. Thank you.

  2. We picked the same topic this week!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.


    1. omgosh we did! I just checked out your post, it's really good!

  3. I love how you twisted this week's topic.
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. Thank you! I see you also twisted things up a bit, I love it!

  4. Huge YES to Six of Crows! I like that we got to see Nina in King of Scars, but it would've been nice to see to rest of the crows.

    And omg I have not thought of Powerless in such a long time! I don't remember much about it except that it had superheroes and that I loved it! Lol.

    Your thoughts on Shatter Me make me glad I've only read the first book 😂 And I'm not gonna lie, I plan on keeping it that way 😅

    1. yesss I'm still hoping that Bardugo plans to write a third book. There's been rumours and even a Goodreads entry from ages ago, that a third book is possible, but nothing confirmed so far 😥

      Powerless should be on more YA lists, it's so good! And yeah, if you want to keep your sanity, do not read Shatter Me after the third book 😂 the OG trilogy is actually decent and it has closure so you can read it on it's own if you ever have the desire

