It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 29.07.24

New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

One of the most satisfying duologies I've read - it's got a reasonable HEA and the plot unraveled wonderfully. I especially loved all the family interactions - both found family (Kazi and her friends) and biological ones (Jase and his family with like a million brothers, sisters, and cousins).

I finished Vow of Thieves 2 days ago and I haven't yet picked up my next read. No particular reason for that, except maybe that I was gaming a bit more this weekend 😂 The problem with having many hobbies is that I never have enough time to get to them all 😅

I'm trying to do a "soft" transition from fantasy to fluffy romances so I'm picking this one next because it's both 😂 

💬 What are you currently reading? What are you planning on reading next? 💬

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