Recently Watched - Epic Adventures Everywhere

I have to say, this list contains only good stuff. There are 2 series I wanted to rewatch and 2 "new" series I wanted to dive into, so here are my thoughts:

1. The Mentalist

I've been meaning to rewatch this one for AGES and I finally started it a few months ago. It's a comfort series for me and I love absolutely everything about it - the cast, the characters, the format of the show (they don't make them like they used to, with 20+ episodes a season and so many seasons you'll need years to finish it), the found family aspect, the genre, the humor...

I'm currently halfway through season 4, I've been taking it slow because where's the rush? It's the perfect way to relax after work or to watch while I'm painting my nails or something. In any case, this show doesn't even need a recommendation, it's got stellar grades/ reviews everywhere for a good reason.

2. Doctor Who (2023)

You have no idea what this show means to me and how many years I've waited for it. Ever since Ecclestone stepped out of his TARDIS, this show has been my obsession. I will admit I didn't watch it in 2005 when it first came out because they didn't have it on TV in my country, but I definitely did shortly after. 

Tennant was my fave, no doubt. He made me cry, laugh, rejoice, melt in a puddle of sadness...EVERYTHING. So why am I telling you all this now? Well, everything was fine and dandy till Jodie and Chibnall showed up.

 Look, I have nothing against switching genders, I adored Missy BUT the script and the acting were all wrong. I have no doubt Jodie is an excellent actress (I've seen her in Broadchurch) but in this show...she gave me nothing. I felt nothing, I cared for nothing. I'm sorry but that's the truth. 

Doctor Who was supposed to be about grand adventures, epic battles of wit, beautiful friendships, humanity showing their worst and best sides, etc. If you asked me about Jodie's era, I couldn't even tell you what it was about, much less give you a specific detail I liked...It was all so bland and felt unimportant. 

Then they announced Ncuti Gatwa would be the next Doctor and I was so excited because to me, he was a new actor, someone fresh and interesting, someone who looked so alive in all of his interviews. I hoped he could bring back the energy the Doctor used to have. And lemme tell you, he absolutely did!!! I LOVED HIM.

The whole season with Millie (Ruby) was superb and brought back all the best memories of past Doctors. The episodes were so fun and bright and had some really smart twists along the way. I can't wait to see more ♥

3. Alex Rider

Before I jump into reviewing this show, I have to admit I haven't read these books so I can't compare to the original story.

What I can tell you though is that this show will surprise you in the best way. It's got amazing acting, gorgeous scenes, and plot twists I had no idea were coming. The casting was pure perfection. I think most American/British shows cast too old or perfect-looking people for teenagers and make them act like grown-ups. This show didn't do that and I appreciate it immensely. 

I'm currently rewatching season 2 before diving into season 3, which is also its last 😭 I was hoping we'd get more, but I'm grateful we got this at least since I haven't seen this being promoted anywhere. I have no idea why BECAUSE IT'S AMAZING and if you love teen spies, smart characters, great action scenes, and friendships, you have to watch it!!

4. Outer Banks 

Last but not least on this list is Outer Banks - a show that's been everywhere but I, being the spiteful person that I am, refused to watch it while everyone was hyping it. Now that the show already has 3 seasons and the hype has died down a time has come 😂

I think what I loved the most about it is that it's completely different than I expected. I thought it's just gonna be another "teens party every day, romance happens, plot thickens because of miscommunications" type of thing. 

Instead, what I got was: an epic summer adventure about teens trying to heal old wounds while also looking for lost treasure. The characters are all precious cinnamon rolls, the twists are so crazy and fun, and the setting is perfect to watch during this summer heat. ☀️

Then there's also Rafe...I will admit that he makes such a fascinating villain. I can't help but want to see more of him 😏

💬 Which shows are taking up all your time during summer? Are you rewatching old faves or starting something new? 💬

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  1. Alex Rider has a TV show? 👀 I didn't even know 😂 I haven't read the books either, but I do love action-y shows so I'm intrigued. I haven't really been watching a lot of TV lately. Yesterday I put on Supernatural in the background while I did laundry though. That is my comfort show... idk what that says about me 🤣

    1. yesss you have to watch it!! 😍 it has tons of action and the camera work is amazing. hahah I don't know, but I definitely get it. I rewatched the 10th Doctors seasons at least 4 times even though they make me bawl my eyes out each maybe we need therapy? 😂

