The design is finally DONE!! ✨🎉

I can't believe it, I finally finished the new blog design!!! Ahh I was so excited to finally show it to you guys. I've been working on it for weeks and it feels good to get to share it 🥰

There are still a couple of tweaks left and a few banners to make, but I can do those at a later date. I hope you guys like the change. I think it's got the modern look but also a cozy type of vibe. It's also colorful and bright, which I love.

Here's a look at some of my previous themes so you can compare:

As you can see, I keep switching between colored and white backgrounds for some reason 😂😂 

The first one was the most basic one and it was literally just a template I found online, I didn't even change any of the colors. I just added a profile picture and header. 

The second one has a special place in my heart because I absolutely love the color scheme I had there. Also, it has a similar style I'm going for now - cartoonish banners, bright colors, cozy etc. But the art wasn't mine and it was hard to find more free pics online that had similar styles and things I wanted.

The last one is the one you probably know the best...because it was literally here yesterday 😂 It was slightly more professional, sleek, and minimalistic. I did like it for a long time, but again...I wanted more customization abilities. I wanted more personality.

Hopefully you guys like this theme as much as I do 🥰 If you have anything you'd like to share - your opinions on the changes, your own experiences in switching up themes, etc feel free to drop a comment below 💬

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  1. It looks SO GOOD! It is definitely cozy! You are very talented! I could never! Lol. And you also changed the layout, which looks very nice! I know you said it was a lot of work, but I'm sure it was worth it! It turned out beautiful!

    1. ahh thank you *blushing* your words mean a lot ❤️ I had help from a couple of youtube tutorials and of course, pinterest boards 😂 it truly was worth it! whenever I look at the blog now, it makes me so happy 😄

  2. Love the new look especially the green background.

    1. Thank you so much! Green is my fave color so I couldn't resist putting it literally everywhere 😂💚

