Mini Reviews - Sci-Fi binge

I've read 4 sci-fi books this month - a trilogy and the first book in a duology I sadly won't be continuing. Also, I made 2 new artworks for the blog and I'm exhausted 😂 Drawing has always been just a hobby for me and a chill one at that. Sometimes, I'd go months without drawing anything, so now that I have this huge project ahead of me - it's kinda scary to be honest 😂 I'm not gonna bore you with this anymore, on to the reviews!

A decent Persuasion retelling that surprised me in a good way. 

I have to say one thing first - this was not "enough sci-fi" for me 😂 I mean, from the title and description, I expected higher stakes, more science, and more...well, stars 😂 BUT it doesn't mean the story was bad.

This had the exact vibes of a Jane Austen novel if it were dystopian. Basically, lots of social commentaries, scenery descriptions, main focus on the character developments, etc.

It's quite slow-paced, don't expect much action. The plot starts to pick up only in the last third. Everything else is Elliot and Kai just...existing in the same space, going to social gatherings, trying to avoid each other 😂

The story was good, I didn't dislike anything in particular, it was just not a story for me. I mean, I love Jane Austen's work as much as the next person, but I had the same problem with this story as I did with hers - too slow and too long for me 😂 The ending was slightly underwhelming but again, this is not that much of an issue when the rest of the book is as mild as it's ending.


Even though this was slightly repetitive, I am quite satisfied with this series as a whole.

There's lots of adventure going on, space travel, a few predictable plot twists. All that aside, my fave part was all the friendships characters made on the way - so many delightful people found all over the galaxy. I actually found the friendships to be more meaningful and interesting that the romance. Sorry not sorry.

Why is that? Well, the last book is just a copy/paste situation of the first two - Adam and Noemi trying to out-sacrifice each other and save each other's lives in the most selfless way. It got slightly boring after the thousandth time they did that 😂 The rest of the characters were much more fun but that's okay. Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing. I really liked both Abel and Noemi with all their layers, but sometimes they bored me when they were together.

This doesn't lessen the story in any way, it's just my personal preference at this point. I still think this series can hold its own among the more popular sci-fi series as it has a lot to offer. It's kinda sad to say goodbye to this world, but I can say that the ending made me happy and I was very satisfied ♥

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