✨ Exciting News - Please be patient!!❤️


So yeah, this isn't how I normally start my posts, but that's because it's getting late and I just realized I haven't posted anything in 3 days (which isn't a lot actually, but in my head it's been FOREVER) and I'm in a hurry to post this announcement 😂😂


I know, I know, I do this every year, but I really think this is gonna be the big change. Maybe not the final one, but definitely the biggest improvement and step towards making this blog mostly my design. I've been meaning to do this for quite some time, but I never had the time or the equipment to do it. This year, I bought a tablet that comes with a pen and I can finally draw digitally!! 😍😍

That got me thinking, why not do all of the art (banners, logos, backgrounds etc.) for the blog myself? I'm not saying free stock photos that I use are bad, they're not. They're cute and they've served their purpose. But, I'm thinking about the future. I really don't want to limit myself to pictures I can find online for free.

I also want to be able to say that all the artwork is truly mine and that I can do whatever I want with it. Also, the blog will be more personalized and have exactly the ✨ vibe ✨ I need it to be. 

That being said, please bear with me 😂 Making all the art is a lot of work and even though I've been working on them for 5 days now, I've barely scratched the surface. I had no idea I had so many banners on this blog 😅😂 Since I'm focusing on that, I will probably blog a bit less in the upcoming days. 

If you're wondering what the blog will look like, well...I already gave you a hint 😏 That first picture at the beginning of the post is one of the first drawings I made for the blog 😄 It's probably gonna be like a divider or something. But it tells you what colors I'm going for and that it's a cozy cartoonish style. Maybe not everyone will like it, but hey, it's my "house" and I can do what I want 😂😂

💬How often do you change things up on your blog? Do you like experimenting or prefer to stick with one theme? 💬

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