Reading Journal Part 2 ✨✒️

 annddd here's part 2 of my "Reading Journal Series" where I share spreads I made to track my reading progress. Today I'll show you the pages where I write book notes and ratings which I later turn into longer reviews. The little boxes are spaces where I glue on book covers so it looks even more adorable 😄

At first I wasn't sure if the book cover spaces would be large enough or if I would like how it turns out so I didn't draw the "boxes" on the second spread. After I actually used it about a month ago, I realized the spacing and the sizes were perfect so I added the boxes on the other one as well. I was too lazy to take new pictures 😅

Do you take notes while reading? Or are you like me and you write notes only after you finish a book (therefore forgetting half of the things you wanted to say in your review and regretting all of your life choices *deep sigh*)?


  1. I really liked the idea of a reading journal, and I actually started one at the beginning of the year (the one that Netgalley sent out) but I literally only did it in January and maybe February but I haven't touched it since 😆 I might go back to it, but we'll see. I do take notes when I'm reading though, on a boring google doc lol. I have actually contemplated NOT taking notes and just writing my review when I finish reading the book... but you make a good point of forgetting what you read when it comes time to sit down and write a review. I think I'll stick with writing notes while I read lol (even though they can be nonsensical sometimes 😆 Trying to make my scattered thoughts into a coherent review is hard lol)

    1. yess I remember you mentioning the Netgalley journal in one of your posts, it looked really cute 😍 the hardest part is definitely the beginning - finding motivation to start some sort of a routine. I'm not exactly the most...consistant person, so I don't have a real routine. I just grab my journal whenever I have an idea, or an interesting thought, mostly about my blog. It's working so far, but I still tend to forget to add notes about books I'm reading 😂 also this sentence "Trying to make my scattered thoughts into a coherent review is hard lol" is basically the story of my life. How do people do it??? lol

