It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 29.04.24

New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

A mystery novel that had all the best twists!! I really liked this one despite it having A LOT of characters. I usually get lost when there are more than 3 people involved 😂 But all of the characters had unique personalities that didn't sound generic or like "fillers." More on that in my review!

I've got a couple of chapters left but lemme tell you something, Alice is one of the dumbest characters I've ever had the displeasure to read about.

Also, that one specific "twist" doesn't make ANY sense. Again, more on that later when I write my review rant. 

I know this is a widely different genre BUT I totally forgot this was my Keywords Reading Challenge book of the month. Hopefully, I'll manage to binge this book tomorrow before jumping into "Sci-fi May" 😂

What was your last read? What are you planning on reading next?


  1. Oh, oh no. I think you're having the same luck as me with How to Survive Your Murder! 😬😂 The dumb protagonist being dumb is one of the things I didn't like about the book. Especially because she's supposed to be a horror movie fan?? She made a terrible final girl! Lol. I am very curious to see your thoughts on that ending, because that was wild! Lol.

    1. Oh yeah, I have some thoughts alright 😂 I've written most of the review, it's gonna be up in a few days, but yeah...the book is BAD. The protagonist is the WORST final girl ever. I have no idea how she survived at all 😂

