2024 Quarter Year Crisis Book Tag

I've recently (it was actually 10 days ago but I forgot about it, okay? 😅) stumbled upon this interesting book tag on Lili Lost in a Book and decided to try it myself. The book tag is originally from Roisin's Reading. 

How many books have you read so far?

Well, this is certainly interesting 😂 To be honest, I can't even explain my reading routine anymore. Several years ago, when I had a different book blog and when I was in my "obsessed with books" phase, I'd read between 100-150 books every year. That went on for about 4 years. Then I had to take a break from blogging, it wasn't a hobby anymore, sort of became a chore. Along with it, I reduced my reading A LOT. I'd read maybe 30-40 books per year. At the end of 2022 I got a sudden urge to blog again and guess what? My reading slightly improved as well. I read 55 books in 2023 and that's why I decided to keep my reading goal in that range. Idk why, but setting a goal I can easily achieve makes me want to read even more 😂 In any case, I'm very satisfied with how this year is going 😄

* side note, I think there are 2 factors that also helped me read more a) getting a kindle b) not wasting time on books I'll probably dislike. I'm more harsh when picking what to read and anything that has a 3.5 rating or less on GR, I won't read. 

Have you already found a book you think might be a 2024 favourite? 


So far, I've read 2 five-star books that will definitely be in my "top of the year" list 😄 The Brothers Hawthorne is a sequel to one of my favorite series and Defy the Night is the first part of a wonderful trilogy that fits this question perfectly. 

Any 1 star books / least favourite book of the year? 

Simply put, this book is trash. The plot, the characters, the romance...everything is so bad that I had to DNF this at 80%.

Most read genre so far?

This isn't very surprising considering I've spent January (fantasy), March (romance) and April (mystery) reading only one genre. I have no idea what happened in February 😂 I do have a feeling next month will be sci-fi month 🤔

A book that surprised you? 

I am a book cover judger. I really am 😂 So when I saw this cover, I had really low expectations. In the end, I binged the whole series in 3 days, that's how good and fun it was. 

Book that's come out in 2024 already that you want to read but haven't yet?

Unfortunately, the YA sci-fi genre (which is my absolute fave) is not as popular as it once was, so getting a new book in said genre is a miracle. I can't wait to dive into this one 😍

One goal you made that you're succeeding at

Definitely the Goodreads Reading Challenge 😂 

One goal you made you need to focus on 

I made a goal to write more book reviews, but also to write longer ones. For some reason, I find writing them so hard, to somehow connect all of my thoughts. This is something I definitely have to work on lol

New to you Booktubers/bookstagrammer/booktokers for 2024 you recommend? 

Most of the blogs I currently follow and love I discovered last year and have mentioned in my other posts. Although, I did start following more BookTube channels. There are 2 channels I've been watching a bit more: katie is reading and The Book Leo

This book tag was so much fun and if you guys do it, feel free to drop your links down in the comments 😄


  1. You are CRUSHING your Goodreads reading challenge! Nice job! I'm looking forward to seeing what sci-fi books you read next month! I'm always on the lookout for more sci-fi books to add to my never ending TBR 😆

    1. Thanks! ooh I'm excited too!! I already picked a few of the books I plan on reading next month and I can tell it's gonna be a great month

  2. I love your outlook on reading - mine is the same! Read for fun and try to limit reading books I'm not enjoying!

    1. thank you! It's a win-win, you don't waste time plus you get all the best books

