Best Books of 2013

I've come up with the idea to pick the best book I've read from each month of the year. I'm starting with 2013 because that's the earliest year on my GR account with enough books for this post ðŸ˜‚ This way I can recommend you some "oldies" or hidden gems ðŸ’Ž we've all forgotten about. In some cases, I've only read one book published that specific month, so I'm gonna have to pick that one ðŸ˜… 


The Madman's Daughter

📜 a gothic thriller with good plot twists and an original story line - Juliet travels to a remote island where her madman of a father conducts gruesome experiments and then has to uncover all sorts of secrets while trying to stay alive

Pivot Point

📜 a unique sci-fi where Addison, whenever she is faced with a choice, has the ability to look into the future and see both outcomes. Now, her parents are getting a divorce and she has to choose which parent to live with...

The Runaway King

📜 the stunning sequel to The False Prince, this middle grade fantasy series is so underrated I wanna throw this book in everyone's faces until it gets the recognition it deserves. It's got high stakes, brilliant characters, political scheming and great friendships, even better enemies, a dash of romance....basically everything ♥


This is What Happy Looks Like

📜 super adorable romance where a teenage movie star accidentally sends small town girl an email and they strike up a witty correspondence. Then he finds out that her town is a perfect location for his new film and he decides to meet her in person

The 5th Wave

📜 lets be honest, this book was THE sci-fi YA of it's time, and a part of the dystopian renaissance which brought us so many classics. Despite me almost hating the last book of this series, I still can't deny that The 5th Wave was an amazing book on its own. 

The Testing

📜 one of the best dystopian YA novels I've read and keep in mind, this is the same year Divergent, Legend and The Selection sequels came out. It has one of the best female characters written, and a great story line that will keep you guessing. 


The Distance Between Us

📜my first Kasie West book that started my obsession with this author and also quickly became my fave fluffy romance and one I would wholeheartedly recommend ♥

All Our Yesterdays

📜if you are looking for a mind blowing sci-fi novel with amazing plot twists, even better characters, look no further. It has time travel, what more could you ask for??


📜a world where people with superpowers are the villains, and a group of ordinary humans called Reckoners are the only ones who are trying to stop them. Excellent sci-fi with good twists.


The Private School Murders

📜as a second book in this series, this murder mystery holds its own when it comes to creating an interesting crime investigation where a girl has to investigate the death of her brother's girlfriend to exonerate him

The Naturals

📜the start of it all...I have nothing to say except that from the moment I started reading this, I knew it would become a favorite of mine and I was right. And I'm also glad that after the worldwide success of  The Inheritance Games, this series by the same author is finally getting the recognition it deserves ♥

These Broken Stars

📜this wonderful space opera is the beginning of a complex story spanning 3 books, with unlikely heroes and universe endangering enemies

Wow, that was a really long post ðŸ˜… At least it was from my perspective because it took me hours to find the appropriate books and write it ðŸ˜‚ Hopefully I've motivated you to read at least one book from this list bc even though theses are oldies they are still great books ðŸ˜Š But, if you're like me, you'll probably be distracted by all the sparkly new releases coming out every month 

