It's time for the Book Blog Hop! Here's the official description:
The first iteration of the Book Blogger Hop, which was started in March 2010 by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books, ended on December 31, 2012. On February 15, 2013, Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer reintroduced the hop with Jennifer's approval. The hop will begin on a Friday of each week and end on a Thursday of the following week. Every week, there will be a prompt with a book-related query. The aim of the blog hop is to provide bloggers with an opportunity to follow other blogs, discover new books, make friends with other bloggers, and gain new followers for their own sites.
This week's question is:
🐇 "January is National Hobby Month. Do you have any pastimes or interests other than reading that go well with your love of books and literature? " 🐇
Hmm I have a lot of hobbies, but the way this question is formed is very specific. Which ones go well with books? Well, I love cozy gaming and sometimes a game has amazing storytelling so that in itself is kind of like a book right?
I also enjoy puzzles in all shapes and forms. Sometimes I'll grab a crossword, wordle or whatever new "logic game" is trending. Those remind me of when I'm reading a mystery novel and I'm trying to figure out who the suspect really is. Does that count? I have no idea 😂
Of course, my main hobby at the moment is bullet journaling which goes excellent with reading because I'm doing a reading journal 😂 I used to have journals for other things as well, but they were impractical.
Blogging is a hobby, right? It doesn't get more bookish than having a book blog 😂 I think that's it.😅

Which hobbies do you have?