Top Ten Tuesday - Foodie Books 🧁


Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Here is the topic of the week:

🧁 Books involving food 🧁

I've just realized I don't read books revolving around food much 😂 I mean, I could've included books where any sort of food is mentioned ( I'm reading Distance Between Us and the main characters eat muffins every time they meet, but that's just a tiny detail) but that could literally be any book. People gotta eat! Instead, I tried, and failed, to find more books where food takes a major part of the story or serves a certain purpose.


Yeah, this is it 😅 But that's not all, here's some infuriating statistic - 2 of these books were 1-star reads for me (the last two), but I had to include them because this list would look even sadder without them 😂

If you have any good recs on this topic, please give them because I just know this topic is gonna come up on some other challenge or TTT in the future and I NEED MORE BOOKS 😂

💬 Have you read any of these books? If you participated in this week's TTT feel free to drop a link below and I'll check it out! 💬 

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  1. Oh girl, I can't help you there 😂 While this seems like a fun topic, I got nothing 😂 Literally the only series I can think of that I've read that may kinda sorta fit this theme is the Elemental Assassin series by Jennifer Estep because the main character owns a restaurant so she cooks a lot (the food descriptions by this author make me drool every single time lol)! HOWEVER, this series is not about her running a restaurant, it's about her being an assassin (retired, but still lol) and killing people 😆 Yeahhh, this is probably not that helpful 😂 (Though it IS a good series!)

    1. hahah you write the best and most ridiculous recommendations 😂 and yeah, I think it would fit this theme because it's the MCs job and main hobby 🤔 apart from killing people that is 😂

