It’s Monday! What are You Reading? - 05.08.24

New week means new monday bookish meme hosted by  The Book Date.

While it definitely served it's purpose - a soft transition between reading more dramatic fantasies and moving toward historical romance - can I really say it was good? I have mixed feelings. I did enjoy the coziness, but the characters were too naive and childish. The whole plot was like a fever dream, a fan fiction of sorts. I need to collect my thoughts before writing a full review 😂

Started reading this literally half an hour ago, so no opinions yet 😂 It's a historical romantic comedy so I expect this to be a quick and fun read 😄

This one has been on my TBR for years and finally, I'm picking it up. It's rather short and for some reason it says it's part of a series, but this is the only book in it....and it was written in 2012....? Hopefully it doesn't end in a cliffhanger 😅

💬 What are you currently reading? What are you planning on reading next? 💬

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  1. Oh I am intrigued by your transition to historical romance. That is a genre I don't read a lot of so I'm looking forward to seeing what you read!

    1. I feel you, I know we both prefer sci-fi so historical fiction is kinda opposite of what we usually like 😅 I've got about 4 books planned in this genre so hopefully at least one will grab my attention 😍😂

