Reading Challenge Update *Part 2*


Here's a quick update on how I'm doing in my reading challenges after 4 months 😉

1. A to Z Challenge

I've finished 6 more books, which means I now have 11/26 done which is 42% 😍 

2. KeyWord Challenge

I completely forgot to read the book for April 😂 I did finish it the first day of May when I realized it, so I'm back on track 😅

3. 24 Books for 2024

I've finished 10 books (41%) and gave up on one, The Box in the Woods. I'll just replace it with another book. I haven't decided which one yet 😂

4. 2024 Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My goal is:

Mt. Everest: Read 100 books from your TBR pile/s

I have currently 37 books read, which may not seem like a lot, but some of these were quite long 😂😂 I think this is going to be the hardest challenge for me, but hopefully, I'll get more reading done during summer break 😄

💬 How are you doing so far in your reading challenges? 💬

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  1. The Mount TBR one is so hard for me as well because I just want to read all the shiny new books and I tend to use my library a lot. Lol. But you're doing SO well on your challenges!

    1. I feel you 😂 there are so many amazing books coming out every month, it's hard to resist 😂 And thank you! I somehow managed to force myself to read "challenge books" at the beginning of the month, so I can read whatever I want later 😂😂 it's a weird system but it works

