The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jackson 🎬

A new true-crime fueled mystery thriller about a girl determined to uncover the shocking truth about her missing mother while filming a documentary on the unsolved case.

Lights. Camera. Lies.

18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom’s mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness, but she has no memory of it. Rachel is gone, long presumed dead, and Bel wishes everyone would just move on.

But the case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can’t wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. And then the impossible happens. Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again.

Rachel has an unbelievable story about what happened to her. Unbelievable, because Bel isn’t sure it’s real. If Rachel is lying, then where has she been all this time? And – could she be dangerous? With the cameras still rolling, Bel must uncover the truth about her mother, and find out why Rachel Price really came back from the dead . . .

I have no idea what this was. And I mean in it the best way possible. This book is fast, tense and got the craziest plot ever.

Bel and Ash were an interesting duo and I loved how most of their interactions weren't really romantic, more like "partners in crime." Bel was truly an amazing character, I actually loved how sceptic she was, how she questioned everything. After reading Girl Forgotten where the MC didn't do much, it was even more evident how much Bel tried her best to uncover the truth and how little she depended on outside sources or stumbling upon important information.

Bel's relationship with her cousin Carter was so adorable and I loved reading about them. Now that I think about it, all of the characters were interesting - Carter, Charlie, Jeff and of course, Rachel Price. I will admit, she fascinated me the most which was exactly the point. The woman that disappeared 16 years ago, comes back and doesn't remember a thing? Or does she?

And then all sorts of shenanigans happen but I won't spoil anything 😂

I will tell you though a thought I had after finishing this book that's connected to the "Knives Out" reference. It spoils the ending so beware 😂


If any of you have watched the first movie, you know that it turns out the old man had something to do with the case, like this book. Also, in the sequel Glass Onion, it's all about how sometimes, the simplest solution is the right one. Who is usually responsible for a woman's death/abduction? Her husband. This is just me theorizing like a crazy person, but I thought these parallels were interesting 😂 

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