Top Ten Tuesday - Recent Additions

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. Here is the topic of the week:

✨ The Ten Most Recent Additions to My TBR ✨

This theme is pretty self-explanatory so I'm just gonna list the 10 books I most recently discovered and added to my TBR!


There are a wide variety of genres. Half of these books I found on blogs I follow, and half I stumbled upon on GoodReads ðŸ˜„

 Do you have any sporty recommendations? Did you read any of the books mentioned above? 

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  1. I'm hoping to get to Jasad Heir before the sequel comes out, it sounds so good. And that cover for Swordheart is gorgeous. I'm going to have to look up a few of the others too as they've caught my eye. I hope you enjoy all of these whenever you get to them.

    1. It does sound so good! I hope you find a few more that you like! 😄 Thanks, I hope so too 🥰.

  2. I am reading Swordheart now and I LOOOOVE it! It is long, but so very good! I am also looking forward to Murder Between Friends and Now She's Dead, so hopefully we both enjoy them!

    1. I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! yesss there's nothing better than a murder mystery done right

