My Year In Books '24

It's time to look back on the previous year and see what kind of bookish shenanigans I've been up to! I'll be using stats from and Goodreads. 

I won't be using all the info I got from there because it's not that interesting and I'm too lazy to make a cute graph for it ðŸ˜… Unlike my friend Liliana who created a GORGEOUS set of graphs of all kinds to showcase her yearly stats, which you can see HERE ðŸ‘€

So back to the beginning...

The average rating I gave was 3.8 which is not that bad! I think it was a bit higher in 2023 and I'll definitely make it a goal this year to sever ties with books that don't interest me far earlier so I can start reading books that I'll like more 😂 

The average book length is totally accurate and it's almost always the same. I rarely read books longer than 450 pages, and there weren't that many novellas last year. 

Shortest book was a short story by Mira Grant (I recommend it!!!) and longest Winter. Omgosh I always forget it has more than 800 pages.

It doesn't feel that long because it's simply amazing ❤️

Next up we have some numbers. I finished the 100th book on the 31st of December ðŸ˜‚ Apparently, I also read about 14,000 pages more than in 2023!

Of course, no one is surprised by these stats ðŸ˜… Although I was a bit confused by the "romance" being so high up, I thought it would be a tie between mystery and fantasy ðŸ˜‚ 

I didn't even realize that I started and finished 2024 with Jennifer Anne Davis 😂 First I read her Reign of Secrets series and fell in love with it, then in December I read League of Rulers, which was..well...meh 😅

Yesss, I'm loving this description! ðŸ˜‚ I truly love a good plot twist, in all genres, not just mystery novels. Some people focus on characters and while I love a good, layered character, if the story isn't equally exciting, I probably won't enjoy it as much.

Besides this post, I'll also be doing at least one of those "end-of-year" book tags soon ðŸ˜„

How was your reading year? I'd love to see your stats! 

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  1. Ooh I love looking at stats... as I'm sure you noticed 😆 I also always forget how long Winter is! It is definitely one of the longer books I own! But all 800+ pages of it are SO good! And Plot Twist Aficionado is totally you! 😂 I feel like that site really understands us lol.

    1. I have 😂 I AGREE SO MUCH ♥ Ahh if Meyer ever decides to write another epic sci-fi series like this, I'm willing to sell my kidney to get it first 😂

      omgosh yes, that site is amazing! I don't need to go get therapy, I can just find out all of my obsessions on there 😂

