Book Blogger Hop - 2025 Goals

It's time for the Book Blog Hop! Here's the official description: 

The first iteration of the Book Blogger Hop, which was started in March 2010 by Jennifer @ Crazy-For-Books, ended on December 31, 2012. On February 15, 2013, Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer reintroduced the hop with Jennifer's approval. The hop will begin on a Friday of each week and end on a Thursday of the following week. Every week, there will be a prompt with a book-related query. The aim of the blog hop is to provide bloggers with an opportunity to follow other blogs, discover new books, make friends with other bloggers, and gain new followers for their own sites.  

This week's question is:

 🐇 "Do you have any reading goals for the new year?" 🐇

Well, I usually try to refrain from setting any ultra-specific goals because I only feel under pressure. That's why my Goodreads goal is set to a smaller number than what I can realistically read. Last year I set it to 60 and I managed to read 100 books, so I'm slightly upping it to 70 this year. If I keep the same pace, it won't be a problem 😄

Other than that, I don't really have any goals. I don't plan on venturing too much out of my "comfort zone" because I did that enough in the previous years and only confirmed why my fave genres are my fave genres 😂 

My only real goal is to try and finish all of the reading challenges I picked. This will definitely be difficult because I picked far more than last year and I finished those literally in the last few days of December 😅

Did you set any reading goals for 2025?

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  1. Good luck with your goal! You did it last year and you can do it again! I believe in you! 😆

